How to Slow Down and Enjoy your Wedding Day

Has anyone ever told you that your wedding day is going to fly by?  Time and time again I hear my clients repeat the same statement “my wedding day went by SO fast”.  Between all of the events that make up the day, all of the emotions you feel, and the celebration that comes with getting married, it makes sense that your wedding day feels as if it flies by! This is why it’s so important to make an effort to slow down on your wedding day.

These moments, this day that you’ve been planning for months or even years is all going to happen within 24 hours. It is going to feel like it is flying by, which is why it is SO important to slow down on your wedding day and take in everything.  Now let me tell you, this is easier said than done!  It takes a conscious effort to slow down on your wedding day. This is why we are going over my top tips to help you slow down on your wedding day.

Bride puts lipstick on in the mirror while wearing her wedding gown

What Does it Mean to Slow Down on Your Wedding Day?

What does slowing down actually mean for a wedding day?  Well, let me start by telling you, while there isn’t a right or a wrong way to do it, it is important that you make an effort to slow down.  Slowing down on your wedding day can look very different to each couple. Slowing down on your wedding day can look like a brief moment of eye contact across the dinner table.  It’s you two making a conscious effort to internalize the memories that are going on around you.  Slowing down on your wedding day is taking time for just the two of you to have a moment alone. Slowing down on your wedding day can show up in so many different ways, but most importantly, you need to make it a priority, and here is how.

Man fixes grooms hair as they are getting ready for his wedding day with his two other friends smiling in the background

Making a Timeline

First off, in order to set yourself up for success on your wedding day, you’ll need a wedding day timeline.  Your wedding day timeline will be your lifeline throughout this entire experience.  Your timeline will help you not only plan out your events and task that goes into your wedding day, but it will also help you to plan in time for you and your love to slow down and soak everything in throughout your wedding day. 

When creating your wedding day timeline make sure to rely on your vendors to make sure you set yourself up for success. Your wedding vendors have been a part of SO MANY WEDDINGS throughout their careers. Over the course of their careers, they have definitely learned what is important throughout a wedding day. Ask them for assistance in making and finalizing your wedding day timeline.

PRO TIP: Once you finalize your wedding day timeline, screenshot the PDF and send it to your wedding party and parents! This will help them to know what’s going on and help you to remain present throughout your wedding day.

There are many different ways to prioritize slowing down on your wedding day, so we are going over some of my favorite ways below.

Set Aside Some You Time

In many cases on wedding days, couples surround themselves with loved ones from the moment they wake up to the moment their head hits the pillow. Some thrive in this environment, and others do not as much. Doing something for yourself before the festivities begin is a great way to slow down and soak up the feelings you have the morning of your wedding! Walk and grab a coffee, work out, and take your time getting up in the morning, or even go through your normal morning routine. There are SO many different ways to slow down on your own the morning of your wedding, and I HIGHLY suggest incorporating one into your day.

Bride wearing traditional Indian wedding attire smiles at the camera with snow in the background

Couple hold hands and smile at one another while wearing traditional Indian wedding attire with snow falling around them

Bride wearing traditional Indian wedding dress dances in the snow

Plan in Time Together

Planning in time for you and your lover on your wedding day is SO important.  For many couples, planning alone time together on their wedding day revolves around their wedding photos.  Planning things such as first looks or nightcap portraits offer a moment for the two of you to be alone at different parts of your wedding day. These moments will allow you to slow down and be present with your new spouse. 

Couples’ portraits also give you a long stretch of time to have some fun and spend some quality time together.  Note that your couple’s portraits could end up being the most consecutive time you two spend alone throughout your wedding day. So soak it up, have some fun with your photographer and if you need a moment to really be alone, don’t hesitate to ask for one!

It’s important to schedule moments like these for you and your partner throughout your wedding day. They help you to slow down and soak in the emotions you’re feeling in real-time.

Delegate Tasks to Family and Friends

If you have a wedding party or even just a less official wedding day support crew, it’s important to rely on them throughout your wedding day.  With you being the star of the show, your guests, family, and vendors will instinctually come to you with questions throughout the day. Prep a family member ahead of time with a timeline and knowledge of what is going on throughout your day. This person can become the go-to person when someone needs answers.

Handoff things like vendor contacts, timelines, and tips for your vendors to loved ones you trust.  That way you aren’t thinking about anything except getting yourself on that dance floor to celebrate. Not holding all the responsibilities for the day will allow you to slow down on your wedding day and enjoy it.

Black and white photo of newly weds dancing in waiting area of their venue

Be Present, and Don’t Worry About the Small Things

Yes, it’s easier said than done, but really, don’t worry about the small things.  Between your loved ones, your best friends, and your team of vendors, if something comes up on your wedding day that doesn’t quite go as planned, trust me, someone will handle it other than you.  Your one job on your wedding day is to celebrate you, your love, and soak in every second you get to spend with everyone you care about.  

Slowing down and soaking in your wedding day is so important for each and every couple. If you’re looking for more ideas on how to slow things down on your own wedding day, set up a consult call with me where we can talk about your wedding day and customize a timeline to fit you.

April 28, 2022

Sreeja Ankam

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