Surprise Chicago Yacht Proposal | Ariel & Marc

Marc’s proposal to Ariel was such an incredible moment to capture and something I’m so happy that I was able to be a part of! Proposals are such incredible moments to photograph as there’s so much build up and anticipation beforehand that all turns into immeasurable excitement. Then you get to have a photography session while riding that emotional high and end up with some insanely beautiful photos. Marc’s proposal to Ariel was a total surprise to her and took place on the Odyssey Lake Michigan yacht looking out over the Chicago skyline.

The Set Up

Marc and Ariel are both originally from Houston and decided to travel to Chicago to celebrate their anniversary. What Ariel didn’t know is that Marc was planning to propose to her on their trip! Marc found me via my Instagram and reached out to see if I was available. Once he told me the plan I knew I had to be a part of this proposal. Like I said surprise proposals are some of my favorites, and a proposal on a yacht in Lake Michigan looking out at the Chicago skyline? That’s not something I’m going to pass up the chance at capturing!

The Surprise Proposal

Marc and Ariel hopped on the Odyssey Lake Michigan and settled into their seats for some drinks as the yacht prepared to depart. I was seated a few seats away and with Ariel’s back facing me I was able to snap a few photos of them before Marc popped the question. Once we were out on the water Marc and Ariel headed out onto the deck of the yacht to look at the skyline together, which was my queue to prepare for the surprise proposal! Once we were all in place and Marc was ready he got down on one knee and the look on Ariel’s face was priceless. That initial reaction of pure shock and joy is such a special moment of a proposal and will honestly never get old to me!

Their Couples Session

After the proposal Ariel, Marc and I got to have the rest of our session together which was so much fun. We stayed on the deck of the Odyssey for the first bit and had the Chicago skyline behind Ariel and Marc. It was starting to rain and we had some storm clouds overhead which gave the photos such a dramatic feel to them! Later on we headed back inside to their table to celebrate their engagement and you can really see just how happy the two of them were about the whole experience which was so sweet. After some more photos inside I left Ariel and Marc to enjoy the rest of their time on the yacht and celebrate their surprise proposal before heading back to Chicago.

Proposals are SO much fun and are always some of my favorite moments to capture. I love the excitement, the energy, and most of all the surprise of them! If you’re looking for a photographer for your own surprise proposal head to my contact page so we can set up a call!

August 4, 2022

Sreeja Ankam

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  1. […] for planning your proposal in Chicago! For a look at one of my proposals in Chicago check out this proposal at North Avenue Beach, and if you’re looking to book me for your proposal head to my contact page […]